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393 Apartments 1 Bedroom with more photos, in Porto, view City
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 65m²
389.000 €
Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé. F

Palácio Marquesa - A cidade histórica do Porto é uma das cidades mais antigas da Europa. Esta cidade excitante e vibrante surgiu na Europa como um dos principais destinos turísticos devido à sua rica história, cultura profunda e uma vida noturna muito singular. Em 1996, o centro da cidade foi elevado à categoria de Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO. Esta região também é mundialmente conhecida pelos seus vinhos, que são produzidos e armazenados ao longo das margens do Rio Douro.
O Palácio Marquesa está situado na zona mais antiga desta cidade, mesmo ao lado da emblemática Estação de São Bento e da elegante Ponte Don Luís I. Todas as principais atrações do Porto estão a uma curta distância.
O magnífico Palácio Marquesa é o resultado de um projeto de reabilitação que perpetua o desenho da arquitetura urbana do século XV. O nomo deste edifício também faz jus ao seu passado, pois já foi a casa de famílias nobres, anteriormente conhecidas como o ’Paço da Marquesa’.

Este empreendimento consiste em apartamento T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) e T2 (T1 + T0) evolutivos, facilitando ao investidor, no arrendamento em curta ou longa duração, explorar melhor seu investimento, com a possibilidade de dividir em dois apartamentos ou simplesmente na totalidade.

Consulte os imóveis disponíveis e suas plantas.

Obra com início em julho de 2022 com previsão de 24 meses de conclusão.

* Informação adicional*
Todas as unidades residenciais podem ser vendidos completamente decorados e mobiliados.
Todas as imagens utilizadas são apenas para fins ilustrativos e destinam-se a transmitir o conceito e a visão para o desenvolvimento do projeto.

Uma oportunidade fantástica de investimento este Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé.

Ligue já para mais informações!!

(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.

Entreparedes Real Estate
A Entreparedes Real Estate é uma empresa que está no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis com a intenção de fazer a diferença pelo seu padrão de seriedade, respeito e ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.
A nossa equipa de colaboradores é formada por profissionais experientes e multilingue, com uma abordagem personalizada a cada cliente.
Buscamos, incansavelmente, a satisfação dos nossos clientes, sejam eles compradores ou vendedores, procurando dar aos nossos clientes a maior rentabilidade e qualidade, utilizando as mais diversas e atuais tecnologias para garantir uma divulgação ampla e de qualidade.
Tratamos de toda a burocracia até depois da escritura com elevado grau de profissionalismo.
Para Entreparedes um cliente satisfeito é a maior realização e satisfação de missão cumprida.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 79m²
524.000 €
1+1 bedroom flat for sale in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé. K

Marquesa Palace - The historic city of Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This exciting and vibrant city has emerged in Europe as one of the top tourist destinations due to its rich history, deep culture, and a very unique nightlife. In 1996, the city centre was elevated to the category of UNESCO World Heritage Site. This region is also world-renowned for its wines, which are produced and stored along the banks of the Douro River.
The Marquesa Palace is situated in the oldest part of this city, right next to the emblematic São Bento Station and the elegant Don Luís I Bridge.
The magnificent Marquesa Palace is the result of a rehabilitation project that perpetuates the design of the urban architecture of the fifteenth century. The name of this building also lives up to its past, as it was once the home of noble families, formerly known as the ’Palace of the Marquise’.

This development consists of an evolutionary T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) and T2 (T1 + T0) flat, making it easier for the investor, in short or long-term rentals, to better explore their investment, with the possibility of dividing them into two apartments or simply in totality.

Consult the available properties and their floor plans.

Work starting in July 2022 with 24 months expected to be completed.

*Additional Information*
All residential units can be sold fully decorated and furnished.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and are intended to convey the concept and vision for the development of the project.

A fantastic investment opportunity this 1+1 bedroom flat to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Call now for more information!!

(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality disclosure.
We handle all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 82m²
520.000 €
Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé. G

Palácio Marquesa - A cidade histórica do Porto é uma das cidades mais antigas da Europa. Esta cidade excitante e vibrante surgiu na Europa como um dos principais destinos turísticos devido à sua rica história, cultura profunda e uma vida noturna muito singular. Em 1996, o centro da cidade foi elevado à categoria de Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO. Esta região também é mundialmente conhecida pelos seus vinhos, que são produzidos e armazenados ao longo das margens do Rio Douro.
O Palácio Marquesa está situado na zona mais antiga desta cidade, mesmo ao lado da emblemática Estação de São Bento e da elegante Ponte Don Luís I. Todas as principais atrações do Porto estão a uma curta distância.
O magnífico Palácio Marquesa é o resultado de um projeto de reabilitação que perpetua o desenho da arquitetura urbana do século XV. O nomo deste edifício também faz jus ao seu passado, pois já foi a casa de famílias nobres, anteriormente conhecidas como o ’Paço da Marquesa’.

Este empreendimento consiste em apartamento T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) e T2 (T1 + T0) evolutivos, facilitando ao investidor, no arrendamento em curta ou longa duração, explorar melhor seu investimento, com a possibilidade de dividir em dois apartamentos ou simplesmente na totalidade.

Consulte os imóveis disponíveis e suas plantas.

Obra com início em julho de 2022 com previsão de 24 meses de conclusão.

* Informação adicional*
Todas as unidades residenciais podem ser vendidos completamente decorados e mobiliados.
Todas as imagens utilizadas são apenas para fins ilustrativos e destinam-se a transmitir o conceito e a visão para o desenvolvimento do projeto.

Uma oportunidade fantástica de investimento este Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé.

Ligue já para mais informações!!

(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.

Entreparedes Real Estate
A Entreparedes Real Estate é uma empresa que está no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis com a intenção de fazer a diferença pelo seu padrão de seriedade, respeito e ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.
A nossa equipa de colaboradores é formada por profissionais experientes e multilingue, com uma abordagem personalizada a cada cliente.
Buscamos, incansavelmente, a satisfação dos nossos clientes, sejam eles compradores ou vendedores, procurando dar aos nossos clientes a maior rentabilidade e qualidade, utilizando as mais diversas e atuais tecnologias para garantir uma divulgação ampla e de qualidade.
Tratamos de toda a burocracia até depois da escritura com elevado grau de profissionalismo.
Para Entreparedes um cliente satisfeito é a maior realização e satisfação de missão cumprida.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 84m²
514.000 €
Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé. C

Palácio Marquesa - A cidade histórica do Porto é uma das cidades mais antigas da Europa. Esta cidade excitante e vibrante surgiu na Europa como um dos principais destinos turísticos devido à sua rica história, cultura profunda e uma vida noturna muito singular. Em 1996, o centro da cidade foi elevado à categoria de Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO. Esta região também é mundialmente conhecida pelos seus vinhos, que são produzidos e armazenados ao longo das margens do Rio Douro.
O Palácio Marquesa está situado na zona mais antiga desta cidade, mesmo ao lado da emblemática Estação de São Bento e da elegante Ponte Don Luís I. Todas as principais atrações do Porto estão a uma curta distância.
O magnífico Palácio Marquesa é o resultado de um projeto de reabilitação que perpetua o desenho da arquitetura urbana do século XV. O nomo deste edifício também faz jus ao seu passado, pois já foi a casa de famílias nobres, anteriormente conhecidas como o ’Paço da Marquesa’.

Este empreendimento consiste em apartamento T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) e T2 (T1 + T0) evolutivos, facilitando ao investidor, no arrendamento em curta ou longa duração, explorar melhor seu investimento, com a possibilidade de dividir em dois apartamentos ou simplesmente na totalidade.

Consulte os imóveis disponíveis e suas plantas.

Obra com início em julho de 2022 com previsão de 24 meses de conclusão.

* Informação adicional*
Todas as unidades residenciais podem ser vendidos completamente decorados e mobiliados.
Todas as imagens utilizadas são apenas para fins ilustrativos e destinam-se a transmitir o conceito e a visão para o desenvolvimento do projeto.

Uma oportunidade fantástica de investimento este Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé.

Ligue já para mais informações!!

(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.

Entreparedes Real Estate
A Entreparedes Real Estate é uma empresa que está no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis com a intenção de fazer a diferença pelo seu padrão de seriedade, respeito e ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.
A nossa equipa de colaboradores é formada por profissionais experientes e multilingue, com uma abordagem personalizada a cada cliente.
Buscamos, incansavelmente, a satisfação dos nossos clientes, sejam eles compradores ou vendedores, procurando dar aos nossos clientes a maior rentabilidade e qualidade, utilizando as mais diversas e atuais tecnologias para garantir uma divulgação ampla e de qualidade.
Tratamos de toda a burocracia até depois da escritura com elevado grau de profissionalismo.
Para Entreparedes um cliente satisfeito é a maior realização e satisfação de missão cumprida.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 70m²
412.000 €
1+1 bedroom flat for sale in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé. And

Marquesa Palace - The historic city of Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This exciting and vibrant city has emerged in Europe as one of the top tourist destinations due to its rich history, deep culture, and a very unique nightlife. In 1996, the city centre was elevated to the category of UNESCO World Heritage Site. This region is also world-renowned for its wines, which are produced and stored along the banks of the Douro River.
The Marquesa Palace is situated in the oldest part of this city, right next to the emblematic São Bento Station and the elegant Don Luís I Bridge.
The magnificent Marquesa Palace is the result of a rehabilitation project that perpetuates the design of the urban architecture of the fifteenth century. The name of this building also lives up to its past, as it was once the home of noble families, formerly known as the ’Palace of the Marquise’.

This development consists of an evolutionary T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) and T2 (T1 + T0) flat, making it easier for the investor, in short or long-term rentals, to better explore their investment, with the possibility of dividing them into two apartments or simply in totality.

Consult the available properties and their floor plans.

Work starting in July 2022 with 24 months expected to be completed.

*Additional Information*
All residential units can be sold fully decorated and furnished.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and are intended to convey the concept and vision for the development of the project.

A fantastic investment opportunity this 1+1 bedroom flat to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Call now for more information!!

(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality disclosure.
We handle all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 84m²
518.000 €
Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé. A

Palácio Marquesa - A cidade histórica do Porto é uma das cidades mais antigas da Europa. Esta cidade excitante e vibrante surgiu na Europa como um dos principais destinos turísticos devido à sua rica história, cultura profunda e uma vida noturna muito singular. Em 1996, o centro da cidade foi elevado à categoria de Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO. Esta região também é mundialmente conhecida pelos seus vinhos, que são produzidos e armazenados ao longo das margens do Rio Douro.
O Palácio Marquesa está situado na zona mais antiga desta cidade, mesmo ao lado da emblemática Estação de São Bento e da elegante Ponte Don Luís I. Todas as principais atrações do Porto estão a uma curta distância.
O magnífico Palácio Marquesa é o resultado de um projeto de reabilitação que perpetua o desenho da arquitetura urbana do século XV. O nomo deste edifício também faz jus ao seu passado, pois já foi a casa de famílias nobres, anteriormente conhecidas como o ’Paço da Marquesa’.

Este empreendimento consiste em apartamento T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) e T2 (T1 + T0) evolutivos, facilitando ao investidor, no arrendamento em curta ou longa duração, explorar melhor seu investimento, com a possibilidade de dividir em dois apartamentos ou simplesmente na totalidade.

Consulte os imóveis disponíveis e suas plantas.

Obra com início em julho de 2022 com previsão de 24 meses de conclusão.

* Informação adicional*
Todas as unidades residenciais podem ser vendidos completamente decorados e mobiliados.
Todas as imagens utilizadas são apenas para fins ilustrativos e destinam-se a transmitir o conceito e a visão para o desenvolvimento do projeto.

Uma oportunidade fantástica de investimento este Apartamento T1+1 para comprar na zona histórica do Porto, junto a Sé.

Ligue já para mais informações!!

(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.

Nota: Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita.

Entreparedes Real Estate
A Entreparedes Real Estate é uma empresa que está no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis com a intenção de fazer a diferença pelo seu padrão de seriedade, respeito e ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.
A nossa equipa de colaboradores é formada por profissionais experientes e multilingue, com uma abordagem personalizada a cada cliente.
Buscamos, incansavelmente, a satisfação dos nossos clientes, sejam eles compradores ou vendedores, procurando dar aos nossos clientes a maior rentabilidade e qualidade, utilizando as mais diversas e atuais tecnologias para garantir uma divulgação ampla e de qualidade.
Tratamos de toda a burocracia até depois da escritura com elevado grau de profissionalismo.
Para Entreparedes um cliente satisfeito é a maior realização e satisfação de missão cumprida.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom Duplex
Bolhão (Santo Ildefonso), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 71m²
With Garage
600.000 €
Great 1 bedroom duplex flat located in the Bonjardim Building, next to the Bolhão Market. The flat is divided into two floors, with a living room and kitchen open to it on the 1st floor, a large suite and closet, a laundry room and a guest bathroom. On the 2nd floor there is a large living room, an office and a bathroom.
It is a building of classical inspiration and contemporary architecture, located in the heart of downtown Porto, a few meters from Avenida dos Aliados and the Bolhão Market. This building has 93 apartments of typologies T0 to T4. All apartments have a private parking space and are prepared for electric charging. It also has a running track on the rooftop, gym, yoga room, condominium room for parties with kitchenette, common areas for relaxation on the rooftop and garden with 16 shops with various purposes.

Solar orientation: East
Parking space nº 119 - Floor -3
1st Floor, Hab. 1.4.5

Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate is located at Rua da Senhora da Luz, nº 215/217, in Foz do Douro, Porto.
We have a versatile team of sales representatives who work throughout the national market and we provide a personalised and complete administrative and legal follow-up service to our clients.
We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two principles, integrity and honesty.
Our primary orientation is the realisation of profitable business and investments, ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of interests and wills between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants.
Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate and book your visit now.
You can also find us on Instagram via the @imobiliariaprp page or visit our website at (url hidden)
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Apartment 1 Bedroom
Rua de Santa Catarina, Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 50m²
View Sea
375.000 €
Apartment T1 located in Rua de Santa de Catarina, in the city of Oporto, inserted in a requalified building that combines the refinement of a classic architectural line with finishes of last generation. We highlight the location, just 5min walk from downtown Portuense, as well as quick access to major universities and metro station. The excellent sun exposure ensures immense luminosity and comfort.
Fully equipped kitchens, general carpentry lacquered in earth tones, oak flooring, electric blinds, frames and double glazing, we also highlight the existence of elevator and the complement of gardens and terraces for some apartments.
Note: Apartment without garage.
Campaign: In the purchase of this property, we offer 1 week holiday in Madeira, Azores, Algarve or northern Portugal
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Bolhão (Santo Ildefonso), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 74m²
With Garage
525.000 €
Great 1+1 bedroom flat with a large living room and kitchen open to it, a bedroom with plenty of light and a bathroom that can function as a social or as a suite, to support the bedroom. The flat also has an office with natural light.

The flat has a balcony and a parking space. It is located in the Bonjardim Building, a building of classical inspiration and contemporary architecture, located in the heart of downtown Porto, a few meters from Avenida dos Aliados and the Bolhão Market. This building has 93 apartments of typologies T0 to T4. All apartments have a private parking space and are prepared for electric charging. It also has a running track on the rooftop, gym, yoga room, condominium room for parties with kitchenette, common areas for relaxation on the rooftop and garden with 16 shops with various purposes.

Solar orientation: East
Parking space nº 132 - Floor -3
4th Floor, Hab. 4.4.2

Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate is located at Rua da Senhora da Luz, nº 215/217, in Foz do Douro, Porto.
We have a versatile team of sales representatives who work throughout the national market and we provide a personalised and complete administrative and legal follow-up service to our clients.
We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two principles, integrity and honesty.
Our primary orientation is the realisation of profitable business and investments, ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of interests and wills between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants.
Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate and book your visit now.
You can also find us on Instagram via the @imobiliariaprp page or visit our website at (url hidden)
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1 Duplex
Centro (Santo Ildefonso), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 71m²
With Garage
600.000 €
Discover the city centre, the centre of attention, but also the centre of the city
A few steps from Aliados and the Bolhão market, in the heart of the cultural life of the
Porto, finds a new condominium, with 93 apartments and 16 shops, fully integrated into the urban fabric of this vibrant city.
This condominium, open to the city, reinforces the contemporary city landscape, but offers its residents and those who enjoy its outdoor spaces, a new destination to explore and experience.
The biggest advantage of living in the city centre? Be a stone’s throw away from everything, without having to drive or complicate. In this block located in the heart of downtown Porto, the theatres, restaurants and shops open their doors to those who like to enjoy the best that the city has to offer.
Rediscover the simplicity of life by shopping at the market, walking your children to school or having coffee among neighbours. Bonjardim has achieved a unique encounter between classical inspiration and contemporary architecture, by rehabilitating the nineteenth-century facades on Rua Sá da Bandeira and maintaining the original metrics and frames in the construction of the new facades.
In a perfect symbiosis, the modernity of the interiors merges with the period architectural details of the façade.
Bonjardim invites urban life to enter. But it also offers exclusive and private moments, accessible only to its residents.
The rooftop jogging track and fully equipped gym encourage a healthier lifestyle. On the rooftop, common areas for relaxation invite you to relax and enjoy the moment. The condominium room prepared for parties helps to celebrate special moments with family or friends. Make the most of this set of amenities, designed to provide the well-being, comfort and joy that your family deserves.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 74m²
With Garage
525.000 €
Luxury 1+1 bedroom flat for sale in downtown Porto - in the emblematic Bonjardim Building

Located in downtown Porto, the Bonjardim development is a project with 93 new apartments of typologies from T0 to T4, with noble materials, in the heart of Porto.

Located on the 4th floor of this building, with 1 parking space, fully equipped kitchen with SMEG appliances, washing machine and dryer.
This flat has 1 parking space on the -3 floor.

The false ceilings, the multi-layer Riga floors, the lacquered cabinets and the air conditioning system complement the excellence of the quality of the finishes.

Bathrooms with suspended sanitary ware.

On the rooftop, the T3 and T4 apartments feature a rooftop deck with a private pool.

The Bonjardim development involves the new centre of attraction in the city, a square in Portuguese cobblestone, surrounded by gardens with lawn and large trees that will be a meeting point in the centre of Porto, with terraces, cafes, restaurants, shops and services.

The condominium also offers a set of amenities to residents such as a condominium room, equipped gym and also a running track and a lounge area, both on the roof of the building.

Completion deadline: June 2024.

Contact us for more information about this Luxury 1+1 Bedroom Apartment for sale in Edifício Bonjardim - last units, downtown Porto.

Call Now!!

NOTE: The images are for illustrative purposes only.

Note: If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your buyers to your customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sale and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality disclosure.
We handle all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is the greatest accomplishment and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 60m²
400.000 €
Empreendimento Fernandes Thomaz.
Baixa do Porto.
Apartamento T0 mezanino - 1º Andar.

Em fase de acabamentos.

Apartamento constituído por sala, cozinha, wc e mezanino. Varanda.

Apartamento inserido no Fernandes Thomaz, um edifício histórico na Rua Fernandes Tomás, junto ao icónico Mercado do Bolhão, com projeto de reabilitação da autoria da Arq.ª Adriana Floret.

O projeto prevê a construção de 13 frações, distribuídas por 4 pisos, com tipologias T0 a T1, contemplando 2 lojas no rés-do-chão e 11 apartamentos.

O Fernandes Thomaz está inserido numa zona residencial, com uma ampla oferta de comércio e serviços.
Com uma localização central, o Fernandes Thomaz beneficia da proximidade à rede de transportes públicos e ao Metro do Bolhão e da Trindade.

Proximidade a garagens de recolha e parques de estacionamento.

Conclusão de obra prevista para o ano de 2023.

HB - Grupo Habinédita

Certificação Energética:*
(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 1182013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.

Comprar com o GRUPO HABINÉDITA é comprar com SEGURANÇA!

Com 25 anos de história, a nossa marca está presente em 4 mercados estratégicos, com lojas abertas ao público: Porto (2 lojas), Gondomar, São João da Madeira e Vila Nova de Gaia.

Ao escolher fazer negócio com o GRUPO HABINÉDITA, vais perceber que:

- Terás um agente devidamente formado, ativo e identificado com o produto;

- Terás uma empresa interessada em fazer o melhor negócio para todas as partes;

- Terás parceiros financeiros que encontrarão a melhor solução para a tua nova casa;

Com uma estrutura composta por pessoas ativas e devidamente formadas para as diversas funções, a equipa do GRUPO HABINÉDITA trata de todos os processos como se fossem o primeiro! Nada pode falhar nesta parceria e como tal todos os cuidados são poucos.

RELAÇÃO: esta parceria terá de ter uma base sólida CONFIANÇA. Vamos comunicar muito. Vamos entender o que procuras. Vamos, certamente, perceber as tuas expectativas. Vamos estar sempre contigo!

BUROCRACIA: esquece! A equipa do GRUPO HABINÉDITA trata de tudo por ti. Temos na equipa uma advogada e uma Diretora Processual, 100% disponíveis para tratar de toda a documentação. Todos os nossos processos são estudados ao pormenor para que a FELICIDADE máxima seja atingida com TRANQUILIDADE, no dia da escritura!

ESCRITURA: Sejas proprietário ou compradoresquece as preocupações de todo o processo. O SONHO está prestes a tornar-se em REALIDADE e tudo vai correr na PERFEIÇÃO! Tudo porque nós no GRUPO HABINÉDITA

’Encontramos a CHAVE dos teus SONHOS!’
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Bolhão (Santo Ildefonso), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 37m²
With Garage
1.100 €
T0 apartment with 37m2, completely new and brand new, with parking space and AC in the heart of downtown Porto, 2 minutes walk from the metro station, opposite Bolhão market and 100 meters from Aliados

The rental includes furniture, equipped kitchen and condominium fee

This apartment is located in the renowned Bonjardim development, which offers excellent amenities for its residents, such as a rooftop running track and equipped gym, condominium room prepared for parties and common relaxation areas on the roof-top.

It also has a unique central square, with terraces, restaurants, shops and services
The location is excellent, in the heart of the historic center, between Ruas Sá da Bandeira, Formosa. Bonjardim and Travessa do Bonjardim, next to Aliados and right in front of the Bolhão market.

Conditions: 2 rents + €3,500 deposit
Duration: 12 months renewable

For over 25 years Castelhana has been a renowned name in the Portuguese real estate sector. As a company of Dils group, we specialize in advising businesses, organizations and (institutional) investors in buying, selling, renting, letting and development of residential properties.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana has built one of the largest and most solid real estate portfolios in Portugal over the years, with over 600 renovation and new construction projects.

In Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital and in the Algarve next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
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Apartment 1 Bedroom
Bonfim, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Used · 39m²
230.000 €
This listing features a 1 bedroom flat available for purchase, located on the iconic Rua de Santo Ildefonso, in Porto. The property is described as being ideal for those looking for a cosy and well-located space, with the potential for good profitability in the local accommodation market.

Apartment Features:
Location: Located on the 2nd floor of a building without lift, in a central area of Porto.

Spacious and bright living room, decorated with modern furniture.
Kitchen in open space, fully equipped.
Large and relaxing balcony, standing out as one of the main attractions of the property.
Setting: The flat, located at the rear of the building, offers tranquillity and silence, away from the hustle and bustle of the street.

Main Advantages:
Central Location: Proximity to public transport, shops and services.
Ready to move in: Property fully furnished and equipped.
Leisure Space: Balcony ideal for moments of relaxation.
Modern Design: Modern and welcoming atmosphere.

This flat is an excellent opportunity for those who want to purchase a property in a privileged location in Porto. For more information or to schedule a visit, it is suggested to contact the advertiser directly.

Call now!!

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present to your buyer customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We handle all the bureaucracy up to the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 52m²
280.000 €
Fantastic one bedroom apartment in the centre of Porto!

In the heart of the city Porto, this unique project offers fourteen modern units and a commercial space, aiming to combine elegance with comfort and classic with modernity.

This new development has the solution for what suits you best and your lifestyle.

At this moment, the location of this project (Cedofeita) is still providing for the possibility of obtaining licenses for local accommodation (AL).

This apartment with one bedroom is situated on the first floor and has an entrance hall, an open space kitchen, one bedroom, one bathroom and a storage.

The kitchen is fully equipped with top quality appliances (stainless steel built-in hood, electric hob, built-in oven/microwave, built-in frost-free refrigerator, built-in washing machine, dryer and dishwasher).

Divided into stunning studio’s, one- and two bedroom units, all fractions were carefully designed to guarantee the practicality and comfort that the cosmopolitan life in the city demands.

The property has a central- and privileged location, with a vast network of transport, commerce, services and attractions available:

Completion of the work is scheduled for June 2024.

Come to live in the heart of Invicta and allow yourself to be enchanted by the dynamic and vibrant Centre of Porto! Book a visit today.
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Apartment 1 Bedroom
Baixa (Cedofeita), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 52m²
280.000 €
1 bedroom flat with 53 sqm, inserted in a development located in the heart of the city of Porto.

This 6-storey development with lift is divided between studios and apartments of typologies T0, T1 and T2, with areas between 27 and 121 m². It also has a commercial unit on the ground floor, on the façade of the building.

In total, there are 14 units with the perfect combination of location, architecture and urbanism.

A mixture of the classic and the modern with different typologies and solutions for everyday life in the Invicta city.

All fractions have been carefully designed to ensure the practicality and comfort that cosmopolitan life demands.

Located on the street that gives it its name, Mártires da Liberdade has a central and privileged location in downtown Porto, with a vast network of transport, commerce, services and points of interest within walking distance.

Close to Praça da República, the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, Praça Carlos Alberto, Trindade metro station (with central connection to all parts of the city), Porto City Hall, Avenida dos Aliados, Livraria Lello, Torre dos Clérigos, among many others.

The work is expected to be completed this summer (2024).

Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 25 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate.

In Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital and in the Algarve region next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
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Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Baixa (Cedofeita), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 64m²
360.000 €
1+1 bedroom flat with 65 sqm, balcony of 8 sq m and storage, inserted in a development located in the heart of the city of Porto.

This 6-storey development with lift is divided between studios and apartments of typologies T0, T1 and T2, with areas between 27 and 121 sq m. It also has a commercial unit on the ground floor, on the façade of the building.

In total, there are 14 units with the perfect combination of location, architecture and urbanism.

A mixture of the classic and the modern with different typologies and solutions for everyday life in the Invicta city.

All fractions have been carefully designed to ensure the practicality and comfort that cosmopolitan life demands.

Located on the street that gives it its name, Mártires da Liberdade has a central and privileged location in downtown Porto, with a vast network of transport, commerce, services and points of interest within walking distance.

Close to Praça da República, the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, Praça Carlos Alberto, Trindade metro station (with central connection to all parts of the city), Porto City Hall, Avenida dos Aliados, Livraria Lello, Torre dos Clérigos, among many others.

The work is expected to be completed this summer (2024).

Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 25 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate.

In Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital and in the Algarve region next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
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Apartment 1 Bedroom
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 75m²
492.000 €
Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Marquesa Palace - The historic city of Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This exciting and vibrant city has emerged in Europe as one of the main tourist destinations due to its rich history, deep culture and a very unique nightlife. In 1996, the city centre was elevated to the UNESCO World Heritage category. This region is also known worldwide for its wines, which are produced and stored along the banks of the Douro River.
The Marquesa Palace is situated in the oldest part of this city, right next to the emblematic São Bento Station and the elegant Don Luís I Bridge.
The magnificent Marquesa Palace is the result of a rehabilitation project that perpetuates the design of urban architecture in the 15th century.

This development consists of apartment T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) and T2 (T1 + T0) evolutionary, facilitating the investor, in short or long term rental, to better explore their investment, with the possibility of dividing into two apartments or simply in full.

See the available properties and their plans. Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Work starting in July 2022 with a forecast of 24 months of completion.

* Additional information*
All residential units can be sold completely decorated and furnished.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and are intended to convey the concept and vision for the development of the project.

Don’t wait any longer, call now for more information!!

(*) Due to the recent amendment of the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the process of being assessed and developmented by the competent authorities.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the market of Sale and Administration of Real Estate with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We take care of all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 83m²
494.000 €
Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Marquesa Palace - The historic city of Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This exciting and vibrant city has emerged in Europe as one of the main tourist destinations due to its rich history, deep culture and a very unique nightlife. In 1996, the city centre was elevated to the UNESCO World Heritage category. This region is also known worldwide for its wines, which are produced and stored along the banks of the Douro River.
The Marquesa Palace is situated in the oldest part of this city, right next to the emblematic São Bento Station and the elegant Don Luís I Bridge.
The magnificent Marquesa Palace is the result of a rehabilitation project that perpetuates the design of urban architecture in the 15th century.

This development consists of apartment T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) and T2 (T1 + T0) evolutionary, facilitating the investor, in short or long term rental, to better explore their investment, with the possibility of dividing into two apartments or simply in full.

See the available properties and their plans. Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Work starting in July 2022 with a forecast of 24 months of completion.

* Additional information*
All residential units can be sold completely decorated and furnished.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and are intended to convey the concept and vision for the development of the project.

Don’t wait any longer, call now for more information!!

(*) Due to the recent amendment of the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the process of being assessed and developmented by the competent authorities.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the market of Sale and Administration of Real Estate with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We take care of all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Centro (Sé), Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 70m²
491.000 €
Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Marquesa Palace - The historic city of Porto is one of the oldest cities in Europe. This exciting and vibrant city has emerged in Europe as one of the main tourist destinations due to its rich history, deep culture and a very unique nightlife. In 1996, the city centre was elevated to the UNESCO World Heritage category. This region is also known worldwide for its wines, which are produced and stored along the banks of the Douro River.
The Marquesa Palace is situated in the oldest part of this city, right next to the emblematic São Bento Station and the elegant Don Luís I Bridge.
The magnificent Marquesa Palace is the result of a rehabilitation project that perpetuates the design of urban architecture in the 15th century.

This development consists of apartment T1+1, T1 (T0+T0) and T2 (T1 + T0) evolutionary, facilitating the investor, in short or long term rental, to better explore their investment, with the possibility of dividing into two apartments or simply in full.

See the available properties and their plans. Apartment T0 +T0, to buy in the historic area of Porto, next to Sé.

Work starting in July 2022 with a forecast of 24 months of completion.

* Additional information*
All residential units can be sold completely decorated and furnished.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and are intended to convey the concept and vision for the development of the project.

Don’t wait any longer, call now for more information!!

(*) Due to the recent amendment of the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the process of being assessed and developmented by the competent authorities.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the market of Sale and Administration of Real Estate with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalized approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure a wide and quality dissemination.
We take care of all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 49m²
260.000 €
Fantastic studio apartment in the centre of Porto!

In the heart of the city Porto, this unique project offers fourteen modern units and a commercial space, aiming to combine elegance with comfort and classic with modernity.

This new development has the solution for what suits you best and your lifestyle.

At this moment, the location of this project (Cedofeita) is still providing for the possibility of obtaining licenses for local accommodation (AL).

This studio apartment is situated on the ground floor and has an open space kitchen and a living room from were you have access to a balcony with storage, one bedroom and one bathroom.

The kitchen is fully equipped with top quality appliances (stainless steel built-in hood, electric hob, built-in oven/microwave, built-in frost-free refrigerator, built-in washing machine, dryer and dishwasher).

Divided into stunning studio´s, one- and two bedroom units, with areas from 27 m2 to 121 m2, all fractions were carefully designed to guarantee the practicality and comfort that the cosmopolitan life in the city demands.

The property has a central- and privileged location, with a vast network of transport, commerce, services and attractions available:

Completion of the work is scheduled for June 2024.

Come to live in the heart of Invicta and allow yourself to be enchanted by the dynamic and vibrant Centre of Porto! Book a visit today.
See Phone
Apartment 1 Bedroom
Rua de Sá da Bandeira, Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
New · 57m²
With Garage
450.000 €
1-bedroom apartment, new, 72 sqm (gross floor area), with parking, balcony and storage room, in the Edifício Emporium, in Rua Sá da Bandeira, Porto. This apartment, in a building from the 1930s, fully rehabilitated and adapted to the current needs and comfort, features large areas and plenty of light, with windows on four fronts and a view of a communal garden rich in vegetation and with a small lake. It features solid wood floors, air conditioning, and wooden frames with double glazing. Living room with 26 sqm with direct access to a balcony, American kitchen with Boffi furniture, fully equipped with Gaggenau and Siemens appliances, with Zimbabwe granite countertops and Lourinhã marble floors, and bedroom with balcony. Bathroom with underfloor heating and Estremoz marble cladding and flooring.

Located in the heart of downtown Porto, near shops and services, with easy access to Porto city centre. It is 1-minute walking distance from Rua de Santa Catarina, 8 minutes from Trindade metro station, 10 minutes from Aliados, and 15 minutes from the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Historic Centre, São Bento train and metro station. 15-minute driving distance from Porto German School Porto located, 20 minutes from CLIP - Oporto International School, Lycée Français International de Porto, Francisco Sá Carneiro airport, and a three-hour drive from Lisbon.
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Apartment 1 Bedroom
Igreja dos Clerigos, Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Used · 49m²
460.000 €
Furnished T0 flat, located on the rooftop, with magnificent views over the city.

Studio with 49 m2, with a balcony 8 m2 and fantastic views over the city of Porto, Sé and Torres Dos Clérigos.

Maintaining the original design of bourgeois houses, it combines the comfort and functionalities of modern life, combined with the excellence of its materials and finishes.

With premium finishes, air conditioning, kitchens equipped with Miele’s top of the range and excellent thermal and acoustic insulation.

In one of the best locations in the city of Porto, with all services, commerce, transport and main tourist attractions within walking distance - makes this flat an excellent investment opportunity, either for your own use or to enjoy income through it.

Fully furnished and equipped, currently with a local accommodation license

Don’t miss this opportunity, book your visit now

Castelhana has been a reference name in the Portuguese real estate sector for over 25 years. As a company of the Dils group, we specialise in advising companies, organisations and (institutional) investors on the purchase, sale, lease and development of residential properties.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana has built over the years one of the largest and most solid real estate portfolios in Portugal, with more than 600 rehabilitation and new construction projects.

In Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital and in the Algarve region next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
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Apartment 1 Bedroom +1
Ramalde, Porto, Distrito do Porto
Refurbished · 92m²
490.000 €
Apartamento t1+1 Avenida da Boavista, Prémio best project 2021 Archilovers

O projeto do Apartamento Boavista, nasceu da vontade do cliente, um colecionador e apaixonado por arte, em transformar um apartamento corrente dos anos 70/80, num espaço diferente e pouco convencional.
O apartamento estava muito compartimentado em diferentes divisões com funções rígidas. A intervenção procurou dinamizar o espaço interior, aproveitar ao máximo a área do apartamento e criar espaços fluidos entre si. Apostou-se na criação de um ambiente sóbrio, minimalista e funcional, com especial cuidado na escolha das cores, texturas e iluminação, para os objetos de coleção sobressaírem.
Demolidas as paredes interiores, o espaço aberto é marcado por uma ’caixa preta’ que encobre as instalações sanitárias e divide dois momentos da organização interior: de um lado, a zona social, do outro, as áreas privadas. A unidade dos espaços é acentuada pelo pavimento contínuo e pelo perímetro da paredes e tetos na mesma cor.
No interior do volume central, as casas de banho são um núcleo de linhas simples, utilizando o mesmo material em paredes, pavimentos e tetos. Os espaços de arrumação e estantes estão integrados na continuidade das paredes ou fazem parte do volume preto, onde se destacam pontualmente nichos para a exposição de objetos excecionais.
A sala e a cozinha formam uma única zona social, entre os quais jaz um bloco monolítico de pedra onde é esculpida a ilha da cozinha. No acesso à varanda, a relação interior/exterior é sublinhada por um banco corrido que atravessa o topo da sala para o exterior da varanda. Do lado oposto, a área privada é flexível em tamanho e função, podendo ser dividida em quarto/escritório através de uma porta de correr que atravessa a largura total da divisão.

Não tem garagem mas a porta pegada ao prédio, é uma garagem e arrendam
2 varandas com vista de aviao sobre a cidade do Porto

Para uma informação mais detalhada e pormenorizada ou para marcar uma visita sem qualquer tipo compromisso, não hesite em contactar- nos

A nasce da fusão de três empresas. O Know-how resultante desta fusão confere-lhe uma experiência alargada no mercado de mediação imobiliária, construção, obras de restauro, investimento e aplicação de capitais. O quadro da empresa é constituído por profissionais de distintas áreas, com formação em gestão, advocacia e engenharia. Tendo também uma equipa de comerciais e consultores experientes e totalmente focados no cliente. O nosso posicionamento no mercado é bastante dinâmico e com uma total orientação para o cliente. Nesse sentido, acompanhamos e gerimos todos os processos de forma individual, garantindo um serviço personalizado e adequado a cada necessidade dos nossos clientes
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