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GENERAL TERMS OF SERVICE FOR CASASAPO1. GENERAL TERMS OF SERVICE AND ACCEPTANCE The following general terms of service, known as “Terms of Service”, regulate the use of the Web site “CASASAPO”, known as “Portal”, which Janela Digital – Informática e Telecomunicações, SA known as "Janela Digital", makes available to all users through the Internet. By using the Portal, the user fully accepts all the terms listed in this document. Some services within the Portal are subject to special terms of service, which the user has access while using those services. These specific terms of service complete or modify some of the present terms of service. Before using any of those services, the user must read and accept those terms. 2. OBJECT Through the Portal, Janela Digital makes several services and content available to users. The source of these services and content can be Portal users and/or third parties content providers. Janela Digital reserves the right to unilaterally change, at any given moment, and without notice, the Portal’s layout and configuration, as well as any services and the respective terms of service required for its use. Janela Digital will notify the user through a public interface within the Portal. 3. SERVICE ACCESS CONDITIONS 3.1 Access to the service The main service provided by the Portal is free of charge, requiring no registration by the user. 3.2 User registration Some services available in the Portal or its services, require the filling of a form, in order to identify the user. By creating an account in the CASASAPO personal area, the user expressly authorizes Janela Digital and its partners to send information about news, products and services that may be of interest, even using their personal data for direct marketing and advertising, by using e-mail, phone or text messaging service. Janela Digital ensures that all users have the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data. If you wish, at any time, no longer be part of our database may exercise this right through the cancellation of the subscription. For the user to delete account, at any time, he can access through https://casa.sapo.pt/AreaPessoal/AreaPessoal.aspx?MCSPage=userProfile. See the tutorial here. The deletion of the account includes the elimination of all data associated with the account. You can also exercise other rights indicated in this document through geral@casasapo.pt. 4. TERMS OF SERVICE USE 4.1. User conduct The user agrees to use the Portal and its services in respect with the law, and taking the present terms of service and the moral principles generally accepted. The user specifically agrees not to use the Portal and its services with unlawful intentions, or contrary the the present terms of service, that may affect, bring any damage or overloading condition to the Portal, or even prevent the normal use its services by other users. 4.2. Access to content The User must refrain from obtaining and trying to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any type of material accessible through the Portal or the Services, using for this purpose means or procedures other than those made available by the Portal. These include means or procedures indicated on the web pages where the Contents are located or, in general, those that are usually used on the Internet for this purpose (whenever that do not imply a risk of damage or unusability of the Portal, Services and / or Content) 4.3. Correct use of content By accessing the Portal’s content, the user agrees to its correct and lawful use, and specifically not to: 1) Perform or try to perform illegal activities that go against Janela Digital’s rights, or the rights of the users in general, or other third parties not mentioned before. 2) "Stalk" or otherwise harass another or collect or store personal data about other users. 3) Use or try to use any identity except its own, impersonate or try to impersonate including specifically, any Janela Digital official, and to host meetings with third parties with false information about ties of any kind with any third parties. 4) Make available, transmit, send, produce or reproduce any content which does not have the right to use (including, but not limited to, confidential information obtained in the regular course of a job function or rank) 5) Make available, transmit, send, produce or reproduce any content that infringes any patent, trademark, industrial secret, or any other type of copyright, from anyone, entity or institution. 6) Make available, transmit, send, produce or reproduce any unsolicited content including, but not limited to, marketing material, “junk e-mail”, “spamming”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” 7) Make available, transmit, send, produce or reproduce deliberately or not, any material that contains computer virus, or any other type of software with the objective of interfering, interrupt or limit the functionality of any computer or electronic system (hardware or software), as well as communication equipment. 8) Promote, supply, make available, transmit, send, produce or reproduce any instructions about illegal activities, including but not limited to, information on how to build bombs, grenades or floppy disk bombs. 9) Promote aggression, including but not limited to, physical of emotional aggression on any group or individual, or any act of cruelty upon animals The activities mentioned above are absolutely and completely prohibited to the user and constitute motive for immediate service suspension, either partially or completely, temporarily or not, of the Portal’s use, as well as deletion of any files or records belonging to the user, without any prior notice. 4.4. Links Users that create hyperlinks (“links”) from a third party Web site to contents and services available in CASASAPO must adhere to the following rules: 1) The Link will provide access to Web pages hosted by Janela Digital, and cannot reproduce them in any way 2) Only Links to the home page or any of the Portal’s services home pages are allowed 3) The Links will not open with the use of Frames or with any other visual changes. 4) There must not be any reference to the fact that Janela Digital approves the Link or that Janela Digital is in any way related to with the services or content made available through the Web page that contains the Link. 5) Besides the Link itself, the Web page that makes it available must not contain any other type of information, image, slogan used by Janela Digital. 6) The content made available through the Web page containing the Link must not be illegal in any form, or contain information that is is not considered as moral by the pubic in general, or contain any information that violates any third party’s rights Creating a link does not implicate the existence or any sort of relationship between Janela Digital and the owner of the Web page containing the Link, nor does it imply any sort of endorsement by Janela Digital to the content it provides. 4.5. Send us your news The informative contents listed in the Portal’s News Section include relevant topics to the Real Estate sector as well as cross sectors such as Construction, Engineering and Architecture. Thus the information is not only geared up for the Real Estate Professionals but also to the Construction, Engineering and Architecture ones. All of the topics related to the Real Estate Sector and that are considered of use for the Sector’s professionals, will be accepted for analysis. By providing contents for the the Portal’s news section (text, images, videos or sounds), the author (s) is to take responsibility for any information that they contain, which does not imply that it an provide, send, forward any content that is unlawful, threatening, malicious, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defaming, invasive of other’s privacy, hateful, racial, ethical or otherwise questionable. The information submitted will be subject to review, and even correction – in case of misprints, misspellings -, and/or edit (titration, lead, number of characters to match the space or relevance of content]. The information disclosed will follow criteria’s of present time’s importance, and relevance for the target audience. 4.5.1 Comments on news or articles of Opinion The comments done on the news or articles of opinion present on the Portal’s News section will always be subject to prior appraisal. The comments that are deemed offensive, defamatory, inflamed, discriminatory and inappropriate to the texts that are being commented on will not be placed online. 5. RESPONSIBILITY The CASASAPO Portal was developed in good faith, with information provided by both internal and external sources and is made available “as is”, with the possibility that it contains errors and/or inaccuracies. Janela Digital cannot be considered responsible for damages or liability or any kind that may result from (but not exclusively): (i) Interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone malfunctions or general electronic equipment failure that affects the content and/or services made available through the Portal, or in services provided by a third party, that can render the service unavailable, or produce changes in documents. (ii) Delays or other causes that can make a the service unreachable, either by deficiencies or overload conditions of Internet, or other systems, specifically in the Web pages available through the Portal or services related with it. (iii) Acts from a third party resulting from illegal access to details of the user behaviour within the Portal or its services (iv) Information inaccuracies within the documentation and general content made available through the Portal or its services that fails to meet the expectations the user has towards the service. (v) Lack of detail, truthful or updated information of the content, data or general information of any other nature, including the real estate listings, products or services, prices, features or any other relevant information associated with products or services available through the Portal by a third party, as well as the information made available in the Web pages provided by this third party. (vi) Transmission, storage, availability, reception or access to content (vii) Errors or security deficiencies caused by the user usage of an outdated or insecure Web browser, as well as the activation of any features that relate to password storage or identification information provided by the Web browser, that may result in damage or errors. (viii) Links to other Web sites. Janela Digital is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any Content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites. 6. FRAUDS AND SCAMS The increase in the volume of purchases made over the Internet has been accompanied by an increase in the number of fraudulent schemes used by cybercriminals to deceive Users. CASASAPO warns all users of this growing fraudulent activity, mostly generated through the insertion of online ads, in the real estate industry, as fake rental properties. Although the Portal follows all good market practices, there is no way to guarantee the authenticity of the advertiser. It is recommended to Users to never provide personal data or transfer monetary values in the form of a deposit, guarantee or advance, without first making sure that the professional is properly identified. What is the most common fraud? Among the various scams that can be committed, the most common is a request for a guarantee deposit to reserve or visit the property for rent, usually with the combination of characteristics that are out of the "normal" in the market, which should make you suspicious:
What makes these scams successful is the fact that they seem to meet the wishes or needs of the recipients. However, if it looks too good, you should always be suspicious to avoid unpleasant situations. Here are some tips and special precautions to be taken in this type of online purchase situation, provided by the Banking Customer Portal | Bank of Portugal and the Policia Judiciária. If you suspect that this is a fraudulent advertisement, you should report it to our support department Here. 7. INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY All content available in the Portal (including but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, data bases, images, text files, audio, video and software) are property of Janela Digital or any other entity within the se same company group, clients, suppliers or content suppliers, and are protected by international dispositions regarding industrial and intellectual property. The compilation (as well as recompilation or arrangement) of all the content available in the Portal is exclusive property of Janela Digital and is protected by the international dispositions regarding industrial and intellectual property. All the software used in this process is property of Janela Digital or any other entity within the same company group, or other software suppliers and is protected by the international industrial and intellectual laws. The reproduction, alteration, copy, use, distribution, selling, public communication or any other usage of information contained in the Portal (including the design and layout), without the express authorization by Janela Digital, constitutes an infraction of the intellectual property law. Any of the rights mentioned above are totally or partially transmitted without the express authorization by Janela Digital or its owners. It cannot be assumed that no rights will be conceded to alter, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the mentioned content without the express authorization by Janela Digital or its owners. 8. PERSONAL INFORMATION In order to have access to some services, it is required that users provide to Janela Digital, or any other company within the Portugal Telecom group, certain personal information. This information will be used and handled as mentioned in the specific terms of service. 9. DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA TO THIRD PARTIES The user, hereinafter, authorizes Janela Digital to disclose its personal data to third parties responsible for properties advertisement overseas. In this case, Janela Digital cannot be held responsible by the user, for the way that the partners might come to use their personal data. Janela Digital undertakes the responsibility to provide the Users with the partners’ contacts whenever requested. 10. COOKIES Janela Digital will make use of files stored in the user’s computer, called “Cookies”, that help register and maintain state information for the activities performed by the user, as well as helping to track the number of visitors and most requested services, as well as consumer habits. The user can configure the computer to reject the referred cookies. No other technology will be used to store or retrieve information from the user’s computer. 11. LINKS The Portal may contain Links to other external Web sites. Janela Digital is not responsible for the availability of such external sites, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any Content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites. 12. MATERIAL AND SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT All the information, content and software included in the Portal or its services are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Users cannot copy or distribute these materials without express authorization by the legitimate owner of those rights. The user can apply these materials for personal use, as long as it does not change or eliminate any information regarding copyright notices, assuming responsibility by the use and storage of the information received. 13. GOOGLE SERVICES
The use of Google user data by CASASAPO implies acceptance of Google's conditions at https://policies.google.com/terms and https://policies.google.com/privacy 14. ATTACKS TO SYSTEMS The user cannot, even in the tentative form, attack the network or systems owned by Janela Digital or a third party, by any means such as (but not limited to) mail bombing, hacking, root access, tsunami, flood bots, nuke, flash, packet sniffers or flood pings, as well as any other activities that result in damage to Janela Digital or a third party. 15. DURATION AND TERMINATION The Portal and its services are made available with undetermined duration, or as otherwise stated in the service’s specific terms of service. Janela Digital can terminate or suspend the service at any moment, without violation of each service’s terms of service. Whenever possible, Janela Digital will communicate the termination or suspension of the Portal or its services. 16. APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION All aspects not expressed in the present terms of service and are governed by the Portuguese Law. The user and Janela Digital agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the city of Caldas da Rainha - Portugal 17. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of a dispute, the consumer may use a Consumer Dispute Resolution body:
Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center
Vale do Ave Arbitration Centre for Consumer Conflicts / Arbitration Court
CIAB – Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court)
CNIACC - National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes
Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center for Consumer Disputes in the Algarve
Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center
More information available in the Consumer Portal