Discover your new home
115 Apartments higher price, in Esposende, with Balcony
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 187m²
With Garage
475.000 €
Condomínio Fechado em 1ª linha situado em Esposende.

Com excelentes acessos para a A11 e A28, este empreendimento oferece-lhe a oportunidade de adotar um novo estilo de vida.

Viver junto ao mar e desfrutar diariamente da maravilhosa sensação de férias constante.

Inserido na primeira linha de mar. Trata-se de uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira. Um ambiente marítimo, envolvido pela singularidade das paisagens do litoral norte.

O sol, a areia e o mar impulsionam a prática de desporto e atividade física. Imagine longas caminhadas pela praia à beira mar, percursos de bicicleta, ou ainda aquele mergulho revigorante depois de um dia de trabalho.

Viver neste condomínio fechado é optar por um estilo de vida saudável, pleno e gratificante. Vai poder descobrir ótimas experiências gastronómicas junto às praias e nas vilas mais próximas, podendo apreciar toda a cultura gastronómica local em espaços de restauração distintos e de renome.

Integrada na paisagem protegida do Litoral de Esposende, respeitando a conservação do seu valor ambiental e paisagístico. Provida de uma beleza pura e autêntica, é uma praia característica do litoral norte, com imensa vegetação natural, areal extenso e acessibilidades através de passadiços que percorrem as dunas. É considerada uma praia com excelentes condições balneares, atualmente classificada com os prémios Qualidade de Ouro 2021 e praia ’pet friendly’.

Promova o seu bem-estar físico e emocional, e redescubra a essência da vida. Imagine acordar e sentir os primeiros raios de sol e a suavidade da brisa do mar. Neste empreendimento pode apreciar, em primeiro plano, toda esta paisagem incrível com vista para o mar. Desfrute da Ecovia do Litoral Norte e dos encantadores passadiços que o convidam a explorar a natureza e a paisagem.

Conforto e qualidade de vida num lugar único: Este é o conceito Wellness que acompanha este projeto. Um estado completo de bem-estar físico, mental e social.

Dispõe de :

- Porta segurança.
- Elevador,
- Vídeo porteiro.
- Ar condicionado.
- Vidros duplos.
- Suite com closet.
- Balneário.
- Ginásio.
- Piscina interior.
- Piscina exterior.
- Parque infantil.
- Campo de jogos.
- Blackout elétrico.
- Isolamento térmico e acústico.
- Bomba de calor AQS.
- Varandas amplas.
- Garagem fechada.

Gated Community on the Waterfront in Esposende.

With excellent access to A11 and A28, this development offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of a constant vacation.

Situated on the waterfront, it’s a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastal area. A maritime environment surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the northern coast.

The sun, sand, and sea encourage sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or a refreshing swim after a day of work. Living in this gated community is choosing a healthy, fulfilling, and rewarding lifestyle. You can discover great gastronomic experiences near the beaches and in the nearby villages, savoring the local culinary culture in distinctive and renowned dining spaces.

Integrated into the protected landscape of Esposende’s Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and scenic value. Endowed with pure and authentic beauty, it’s a characteristic beach of the northern coast, with abundant natural vegetation, extensive sand, and access through boardwalks that traverse the dunes. It’s considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently awarded the Gold Quality 2021 and ’pet-friendly’ beach.

Promote your physical and emotional well-being and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of the sun and the gentle sea breeze. In this development, you can appreciate, up close, this incredible landscape with a sea view. Enjoy the Northern Litoral Ecovia and the charming boardwalks that invite you to explore nature and the landscape.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.

It features:

Security door.
Video intercom.
Air conditioning.
Double glazing.
Suite with walk-in closet.
Changing room.
Indoor pool.
Outdoor pool.
Sports field.
Electric blackout.
Thermal and acoustic insulation.
Heat pump for hot water.
Spacious balconies.
Closed garage.

Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, dispomos de um vasto conhecimento do mercado imobiliário da região, com especial foco em Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim.
Em todos os negócios deixamos uma ligação de amizade e satisfação, mas também um sentimento de confiança e transparência, além do sentimento familiar e pessoal que não se explica, sente-se.

Somos naturais de Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim, por isso, sabemos bem qual o tipo de vizinhança que melhor se enquadra na sua família e no tipo de investimento que pretende realizar.

Como intermediários oficiais de crédito, estamos a par das condições e requisitos necessários à obtenção do melhor crédito habitação possível.
Encarregamo-nos de todo o processo burocrático à realização da compra/venda, tudo, para que se preocupe apenas com uma coisa:

Quando quer começar as mudanças?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighborhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, tenemos un vasto conocimiento del mercado inmobiliario de la región, con especial foco en Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim.

En todos los negocios dejamos un vínculo de amistad y satisfacción, pero también un sentimiento de confianza y transparencia, además del sentimiento familiar y personal que no se explica. Siéntate.

Somos de Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, por lo que sabemos muy bien qué tipo de barrio se adapta mejor a tu familia y el tipo de inversión que quieres realizar.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

Nos encargamos de todo el proceso burocrático para realizar la compra / venta, de todo, para que tú solo puedas preocuparte de una cosa:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de la région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d’amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s’explique pas. S’asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d’investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu’intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l’achat/la vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d’une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 187m²
With Garage
470.000 €
Condomínio Fechado em 1ª linha situado em Esposende.

Com excelentes acessos para a A11 e A28, este empreendimento oferece-lhe a oportunidade de adotar um novo estilo de vida.

Viver junto ao mar e desfrutar diariamente da maravilhosa sensação de férias constante.

Inserido na primeira linha de mar. Trata-se de uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira. Um ambiente marítimo, envolvido pela singularidade das paisagens do litoral norte.

O sol, a areia e o mar impulsionam a prática de desporto e atividade física. Imagine longas caminhadas pela praia à beira mar, percursos de bicicleta, ou ainda aquele mergulho revigorante depois de um dia de trabalho.

Viver neste condomínio fechado é optar por um estilo de vida saudável, pleno e gratificante. Vai poder descobrir ótimas experiências gastronómicas junto às praias e nas vilas mais próximas, podendo apreciar toda a cultura gastronómica local em espaços de restauração distintos e de renome.

Integrada na paisagem protegida do Litoral de Esposende, respeitando a conservação do seu valor ambiental e paisagístico. Provida de uma beleza pura e autêntica, é uma praia característica do litoral norte, com imensa vegetação natural, areal extenso e acessibilidades através de passadiços que percorrem as dunas. É considerada uma praia com excelentes condições balneares, atualmente classificada com os prémios Qualidade de Ouro 2021 e praia ’pet friendly’.

Promova o seu bem-estar físico e emocional, e redescubra a essência da vida. Imagine acordar e sentir os primeiros raios de sol e a suavidade da brisa do mar. Neste empreendimento pode apreciar, em primeiro plano, toda esta paisagem incrível com vista para o mar. Desfrute da Ecovia do Litoral Norte e dos encantadores passadiços que o convidam a explorar a natureza e a paisagem.

Conforto e qualidade de vida num lugar único: Este é o conceito Wellness que acompanha este projeto. Um estado completo de bem-estar físico, mental e social.

Dispõe de :

- Porta segurança.
- Elevador,
- Vídeo porteiro.
- Ar condicionado.
- Vidros duplos.
- Suite com closet.
- Balneário.
- Ginásio.
- Piscina interior.
- Piscina exterior.
- Parque infantil.
- Campo de jogos.
- Blackout elétrico.
- Isolamento térmico e acústico.
- Bomba de calor AQS.
- Varandas amplas.
- Garagem fechada.

Gated Community on the Waterfront in Esposende.

With excellent access to A11 and A28, this development offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of a constant vacation.

Situated on the waterfront, it’s a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastal area. A maritime environment surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the northern coast.

The sun, sand, and sea encourage sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or a refreshing swim after a day of work. Living in this gated community is choosing a healthy, fulfilling, and rewarding lifestyle. You can discover great gastronomic experiences near the beaches and in the nearby villages, savoring the local culinary culture in distinctive and renowned dining spaces.

Integrated into the protected landscape of Esposende’s Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and scenic value. Endowed with pure and authentic beauty, it’s a characteristic beach of the northern coast, with abundant natural vegetation, extensive sand, and access through boardwalks that traverse the dunes. It’s considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently awarded the Gold Quality 2021 and ’pet-friendly’ beach.

Promote your physical and emotional well-being and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of the sun and the gentle sea breeze. In this development, you can appreciate, up close, this incredible landscape with a sea view. Enjoy the Northern Litoral Ecovia and the charming boardwalks that invite you to explore nature and the landscape.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.

It features:

Security door.
Video intercom.
Air conditioning.
Double glazing.
Suite with walk-in closet.
Changing room.
Indoor pool.
Outdoor pool.
Sports field.
Electric blackout.
Thermal and acoustic insulation.
Heat pump for hot water.
Spacious balconies.
Closed garage.

Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, dispomos de um vasto conhecimento do mercado imobiliário da região, com especial foco em Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim.
Em todos os negócios deixamos uma ligação de amizade e satisfação, mas também um sentimento de confiança e transparência, além do sentimento familiar e pessoal que não se explica, sente-se.

Somos naturais de Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim, por isso, sabemos bem qual o tipo de vizinhança que melhor se enquadra na sua família e no tipo de investimento que pretende realizar.

Como intermediários oficiais de crédito, estamos a par das condições e requisitos necessários à obtenção do melhor crédito habitação possível.
Encarregamo-nos de todo o processo burocrático à realização da compra/venda, tudo, para que se preocupe apenas com uma coisa:

Quando quer começar as mudanças?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighborhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, tenemos un vasto conocimiento del mercado inmobiliario de la región, con especial foco en Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim.

En todos los negocios dejamos un vínculo de amistad y satisfacción, pero también un sentimiento de confianza y transparencia, además del sentimiento familiar y personal que no se explica. Siéntate.

Somos de Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, por lo que sabemos muy bien qué tipo de barrio se adapta mejor a tu familia y el tipo de inversión que quieres realizar.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

Nos encargamos de todo el proceso burocrático para realizar la compra / venta, de todo, para que tú solo puedas preocuparte de una cosa:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de la région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d’amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s’explique pas. S’asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d’investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu’intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l’achat/la vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d’une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 184m²
With Garage
465.000 €
3 bedroom duplex apartment with 184 sq m and a balcony of 23 sq m, inserted in a gated community to be born on ramalha beach, in the village of Apúlia, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged allotment, inserted in the first line of sea.

This is a unique and exclusive opportunity to inhabit and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

A magnificent gated community, consists of three elegant volumes of housing that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You can find all the comfort and serenity you’ve always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and yourown.

Designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.

A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, with indoor pool and outdoor pool, changing rooms, playground, playground and gym.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project.

Ramalha beach is integrated in the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value.

Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sandy and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes.

It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and ’pet friendly’ beach.

Rediscover the essence of life.

Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 20 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate.

In Lisbon, we are based in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional districts of the city. And in Porto, in the sophisticated Boavista district.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 184m²
With Garage
465.000 €
Apartamento T3 Duplex de Luxo na primeira linha do mar em Apúlia, Esposende

Composto por:

- Cozinha mobilada e sala ampla em open-space com acesso ao terraço (37m2);

- Casa de banho completa e de serviço;

- 3 Quartos com roupeiros embutidos, 1 deles com closet suíte com varandas;

Principais caraterísticas:

- Piscina exterior e interior;
- Balneário;
- Parque infantil;
- Campo de jogos;
- Vídeo porteiro;
- Ar condicionado;
- Vidros duplos;
- Suíte com closet;
- Blackout elétrico (zona privativa);
- Isolamento térmico e acústico;
- Bomba de calor AQS;
- Churrasqueira individual*;
- Garagem fechada;
- Varandas amplas;
- Porta segurança entrada;
- Elevador.

* NOTA: Churrasqueiras apenas disponíveis em frações específicas.


Trata-se de uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira, com localização privilegiada, excelentes acessos para a A11 e A28, o empreendimento RIALTO oferece-lhe a oportunidade de adotar um novo estilo de vida. Viver junto ao mar e desfrutar diariamente da maravilhosa sensação de férias constante.

Poderá encontrar todo o conforto e serenidade que sempre sonhou e ter mais tempo para si e para os seus.

Marque visita!!!
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
465.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 184m²
With Garage
465.000 €
Offer the management of the financing process always with the best solutions on the market. Apartment T3 Duplex, inserted in a closed condominium with heated pool.

With excellent access to the A11 and A28 (Braga 33km and 26min - A11, Porto 45km and 41min - A28).

The condominium offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle, live by the sea and enjoy the wonderful feeling of a constant vacation every day.

A magnificent condominium, consisting of three elegant housing volumes, which seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds them.

The condominium was designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home. Comfort and quality of life in a unique place.

The sun, sand and sea encourage the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach by the sea, cycling routes, or even that invigorating dip after a day at work.

You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences along the beaches and in the nearest towns, being able to discover all the local gastronomic culture in distinguished and renowned restaurants.

Main features:

High security entrance door
Video intercom
Air conditioning
Double glazing
Electric Blackout
Thermal and acoustic insulation
DHW heat pump
Individual barbecue*
Closed garage
Large balconies
Indoor heated pool
Outdoor pool

* Available in specific fractions.

Demonstrative photographs.

VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).

Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.

We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, if necessary, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.

Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
465.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 184m²
With Garage
465.000 €
3 bedroom duplex flat with balcony and terrace in front of the beach, for purchase in Apúlia - Esposende fr DI - Braga.

For sale in Apúlia, Esposende 3 Blocks gated community Typologies T1. T2. T3 I T2 Duplex.T3 Duplex .

The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located next to the beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

This magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones.
Your. Rediscover the essence of life.

A development designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Below are some of the attributes of this condominium:

Don’t miss this opportunity with launch prices to buy on Apúlia beach, Esposende gated community Typologies T1. T2. T3 I T2 Duplex.T3 Duplex . 3 bedroom duplex flat with balcony and terrace in front of the beach, for purchase in Apúlia - Esposende fr DI - Braga.

Call us now for more information!!

Delivery of the work expected December 2024.

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present to your buyer customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 189m²
With Garage
455.000 €
3 bedroom duplex apartment, with 189.8 m2 with finishes of the best quality and great areas inserted in the closed condominium Rialto, with swimming pool, garden, gym and tennis court, in the first line of sea of the village of Apulia, Esposende. Consisting of 3 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, open space living room, fully equipped American type kitchen, large windows with roller blinds monitored with blackout, and balcony with 19 m2. Large rooftop terrace. All floor in floating laminate Porcelanosa, suspended sanitary dishes, kitchen tops of highly resistant material similar to natural stone.
False ceilings throughout the house with lighting through LED foci. Equipped with air conditioning, heating with pump and heat heater and video intercom. It has a parking space and elevator in the building. The development consists of 3 lots of apartments with garages in the basement. Expected date for the completion of the works is the end of 2024.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 181m²
With Garage
455.000 €
3 bedroom duplex apartment with 181 sq m and a balcony of 21 sq m, inserted in a gated community to be born on ramalha beach, in the village of Apúlia, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged allotment, inserted in the first line of sea.

This is a unique and exclusive opportunity to inhabit and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

A magnificent gated community, consists of three elegant volumes of housing that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You can find all the comfort and serenity you’ve always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and yourown.

Designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.

A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, with indoor pool and outdoor pool, changing rooms, playground, playground and gym.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project.

Ramalha beach is integrated in the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value.

Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sandy and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes.

It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and ’pet friendly’ beach.

Rediscover the essence of life.

Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 20 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate.

In Lisbon, we are based in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional districts of the city. And in Porto, in the sophisticated Boavista district.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 186m²
With Garage
455.000 €
T3 duplex with 186.3 m2 with finishes of the best quality and great areas inserted in the rialto gated community, with swimming pool, garden, gym and tennis court, in the first line of sea of the village of Apulia, Esposende. Consisting of 3 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, openspace living room, fully equipped American type kitchen, large windows with roller blinds monitored with blackout, and balcony with 21.5 m2. Large rooftop terrace. All floor in floating laminate Porcelanosa, suspended sanitary dishes, kitchen tops of highly resistant material similar to natural stone.
False ceilings throughout the house with lighting through LED foci. Equipped with air conditioning, heating with pump and heat heater and video intercom. It has a parking space and elevator in the building. The development consists of 3 lots of apartments with garages in the basement. Expected date for the completion of the works is the end of 2024.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 187m²
With Garage
455.000 €
Apartment T3 Duplex, 187.3 m2 with finishes of the best quality and great areas inserted in the closed condominium Rialto, with swimming pool, garden, gym and tennis court, in the first line of sea of the village of Apulia, Esposende.Consisting of 3 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, openspace room, fully equipped American type kitchen, large windows with roller blinds monitored with blackout, and balcony with 20.1 m2. Large rooftop terrace. All floor in floating laminate Porcelanosa, suspended sanitary dishes, kitchen tops of highly resistant material similar to natural stone.
False ceilings throughout the house with lighting through LED foci. Equipped with air conditioning, heating with pump and heat heater and video intercom. It has a parking space and elevator in the building. The development consists of 3 lots of apartments with garages in the basement. Expected date for the completion of the works is the end of 2024.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
455.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
455.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
455.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
455.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 175m²
With Garage
455.000 €
Condomínio Fechado em 1ª linha situado em Esposende.

Com excelentes acessos para a A11 e A28, este empreendimento oferece-lhe a oportunidade de adotar um novo estilo de vida.

Viver junto ao mar e desfrutar diariamente da maravilhosa sensação de férias constante.

Inserido na primeira linha de mar. Trata-se de uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira. Um ambiente marítimo, envolvido pela singularidade das paisagens do litoral norte.

O sol, a areia e o mar impulsionam a prática de desporto e atividade física. Imagine longas caminhadas pela praia à beira mar, percursos de bicicleta, ou ainda aquele mergulho revigorante depois de um dia de trabalho.

Viver neste condomínio fechado é optar por um estilo de vida saudável, pleno e gratificante. Vai poder descobrir ótimas experiências gastronómicas junto às praias e nas vilas mais próximas, podendo apreciar toda a cultura gastronómica local em espaços de restauração distintos e de renome.

Integrada na paisagem protegida do Litoral de Esposende, respeitando a conservação do seu valor ambiental e paisagístico. Provida de uma beleza pura e autêntica, é uma praia característica do litoral norte, com imensa vegetação natural, areal extenso e acessibilidades através de passadiços que percorrem as dunas. É considerada uma praia com excelentes condições balneares, atualmente classificada com os prémios Qualidade de Ouro 2021 e praia ’pet friendly’.

Promova o seu bem-estar físico e emocional, e redescubra a essência da vida. Imagine acordar e sentir os primeiros raios de sol e a suavidade da brisa do mar. Neste empreendimento pode apreciar, em primeiro plano, toda esta paisagem incrível com vista para o mar. Desfrute da Ecovia do Litoral Norte e dos encantadores passadiços que o convidam a explorar a natureza e a paisagem.

Conforto e qualidade de vida num lugar único: Este é o conceito Wellness que acompanha este projeto. Um estado completo de bem-estar físico, mental e social.

Dispõe de :

- Porta segurança.
- Elevador,
- Vídeo porteiro.
- Ar condicionado.
- Vidros duplos.
- Suite com closet.
- Balneário.
- Ginásio.
- Piscina interior.
- Piscina exterior.
- Parque infantil.
- Campo de jogos.
- Blackout elétrico.
- Isolamento térmico e acústico.
- Bomba de calor AQS.
- Varandas amplas.
- Garagem fechada.

Gated Community on the Waterfront in Esposende.

With excellent access to A11 and A28, this development offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of a constant vacation.

Situated on the waterfront, it’s a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastal area. A maritime environment surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the northern coast.

The sun, sand, and sea encourage sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or a refreshing swim after a day of work. Living in this gated community is choosing a healthy, fulfilling, and rewarding lifestyle. You can discover great gastronomic experiences near the beaches and in the nearby villages, savoring the local culinary culture in distinctive and renowned dining spaces.

Integrated into the protected landscape of Esposende’s Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and scenic value. Endowed with pure and authentic beauty, it’s a characteristic beach of the northern coast, with abundant natural vegetation, extensive sand, and access through boardwalks that traverse the dunes. It’s considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently awarded the Gold Quality 2021 and ’pet-friendly’ beach.

Promote your physical and emotional well-being and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of the sun and the gentle sea breeze. In this development, you can appreciate, up close, this incredible landscape with a sea view. Enjoy the Northern Litoral Ecovia and the charming boardwalks that invite you to explore nature and the landscape.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.

It features:

Security door.
Video intercom.
Air conditioning.
Double glazing.
Suite with walk-in closet.
Changing room.
Indoor pool.
Outdoor pool.
Sports field.
Electric blackout.
Thermal and acoustic insulation.
Heat pump for hot water.
Spacious balconies.
Closed garage.

Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, dispomos de um vasto conhecimento do mercado imobiliário da região, com especial foco em Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim.
Em todos os negócios deixamos uma ligação de amizade e satisfação, mas também um sentimento de confiança e transparência, além do sentimento familiar e pessoal que não se explica, sente-se.

Somos naturais de Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim, por isso, sabemos bem qual o tipo de vizinhança que melhor se enquadra na sua família e no tipo de investimento que pretende realizar.

Como intermediários oficiais de crédito, estamos a par das condições e requisitos necessários à obtenção do melhor crédito habitação possível.
Encarregamo-nos de todo o processo burocrático à realização da compra/venda, tudo, para que se preocupe apenas com uma coisa:

Quando quer começar as mudanças?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighborhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, tenemos un vasto conocimiento del mercado inmobiliario de la región, con especial foco en Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim.

En todos los negocios dejamos un vínculo de amistad y satisfacción, pero también un sentimiento de confianza y transparencia, además del sentimiento familiar y personal que no se explica. Siéntate.

Somos de Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, por lo que sabemos muy bien qué tipo de barrio se adapta mejor a tu familia y el tipo de inversión que quieres realizar.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

Nos encargamos de todo el proceso burocrático para realizar la compra / venta, de todo, para que tú solo puedas preocuparte de una cosa:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de la région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d’amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s’explique pas. S’asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d’investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu’intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l’achat/la vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d’une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 176m²
With Garage
450.000 €
3 bedroom duplex apartment with 176 sq m and a balcony of 21 sq m, inserted in a gated community to be born on ramalha beach, in the village of Apúlia, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged allotment, inserted in the first line of sea.

This is a unique and exclusive opportunity to inhabit and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

A magnificent gated community, consists of three elegant volumes of housing that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You can find all the comfort and serenity you’ve always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and yourown.

Designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.

A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, with indoor pool and outdoor pool, changing rooms, playground, playground and gym.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project.

Ramalha beach is integrated in the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value.

Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sandy and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes.

It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and ’pet friendly’ beach.

Rediscover the essence of life.

Castelhana is a Portuguese real estate agency present in the domestic market for over 20 years, specialized in prime residential real estate and recognized for the launch of some of the most distinguished developments in Portugal.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana provides a full service in business brokerage. We are specialists in investment and in the commercialization of real estate.

In Lisbon, we are based in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional districts of the city. And in Porto, in the sophisticated Boavista district.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 176m²
With Garage
450.000 €
3 bedroom duplex apartment in Puglia

Development in 1st line of sea, gated community with outdoor and indoor pool, gym, playground and playground.

Garage for 1 car, completion is scheduled for December 2024.

For more information about this or other property, visit our website and talk to us!

We are a company with more than 20 years of experience, recognized for its personalized service, where professionalism, rigor and monitoring prevails in all phases of the business.

We have more than 300 properties at your disposal and a team of multidisciplinary professionals, experienced and motivated to provide you with the best possible accompaniment. Contact us!

ACRONYM, your real estate agency!
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Duplex 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
With Garage
450.000 €
A magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones. Rediscover the essence of life.
The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.
Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value. Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes. It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the Gold Quality 2021 awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.
Promote your physical and emotional well-being, and rediscover the essence of life. Imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of sun and the softness of the sea breeze. At RIALTO you can appreciate, in the foreground, all this incredible landscape overlooking the sea. Enjoy the Ecovia do Litoral Norte and the charming walkways that invite you to explore nature and landscape. This is what it will be like to live in RIALTO.
The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living in the RIALTO gated community is opting for a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.
With excellent access to the A11 and A28, RIALTO offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.
Braga - (phone hidden) km) 26min via A11 Porto (45km) 41min via A28
See package leaflet
The has been designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place:
This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia, Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 181m²
With Garage
450.000 €
Apartamento T3 Duplex de Luxo na primeira linha do mar em Apúlia, Esposende

Composto por:

- Cozinha mobilada e sala ampla em open-space com acesso ao terraço;

- Casa de banho completa;

- 3 Quartos com roupeiros embutidos, 1 deles com closet e 2 suítes com varandas;

Principais caraterísticas:

- Piscina exterior e interior;
- Balneário;
- Parque infantil;
- Campo de jogos;
- Vídeo porteiro;
- Ar condicionado;
- Vidros duplos;
- Suíte com closet;
- Blackout elétrico (zona privativa);
- Isolamento térmico e acústico;
- Bomba de calor AQS;
- Churrasqueira individual*;
- Garagem fechada;
- Varandas amplas;
- Porta segurança entrada;
- Elevador.

* NOTA: Churrasqueiras apenas disponíveis em frações específicas.


Trata-se de uma oportunidade única e exclusiva de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira, com localização privilegiada, excelentes acessos para a A11 e A28, o empreendimento RIALTO oferece-lhe a oportunidade de adotar um novo estilo de vida. Viver junto ao mar e desfrutar diariamente da maravilhosa sensação de férias constante.

Poderá encontrar todo o conforto e serenidade que sempre sonhou e ter mais tempo para si e para os seus.

Marque visita!!!
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Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 176m²
With Garage
450.000 €
Offer the management of the financing process always with the best solutions on the market. Apartment T3 Duplex, inserted in a closed condominium with heated pool.

With excellent access to the A11 and A28 (Braga 33km and 26min - A11, Porto 45km and 41min - A28).

The condominium offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle, live by the sea and enjoy the wonderful feeling of a constant vacation every day.

A magnificent condominium, consisting of three elegant housing volumes, which seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds them.

The condominium was designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home. Comfort and quality of life in a unique place.

The sun, sand and sea encourage the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach by the sea, cycling routes, or even that invigorating dip after a day at work.

You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences along the beaches and in the nearest towns, being able to discover all the local gastronomic culture in distinguished and renowned restaurants.

Main features:

High security entrance door
Video intercom
Air conditioning
Double glazing
Electric Blackout
Thermal and acoustic insulation
DHW heat pump
Individual barbecue*
Closed garage
Large balconies
Indoor heated pool
Outdoor pool

* Available in specific fractions.

Demonstrative photographs.

VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).

Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.

We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, if necessary, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.

Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
See Phone
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 176m²
With Garage
450.000 €
3 bedroom duplex flat with balcony with barbecue and terrace 37m2 for sale on the beach, Esposende - Braga.

For sale in Apúlia, Esposende 3 Blocks gated community Typologies T1. T2. T3 I T2 Duplex.T3 Duplex .

The RIALTO Gated Condominium is located next to the beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea. It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

This magnificent gated community, RIALTO consists of three elegant living volumes that seek to explore the dialogue with all the nature that surrounds it. You will be able to find all the comfort and serenity you have always dreamed of and have more time for yourself and your loved ones.
Your. Rediscover the essence of life.

A development designed to enjoy true well-being, where you can feel the sea as an extension of your home.
Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project. A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Below are some of the attributes of this condominium:

Don’t miss this opportunity with launch prices to buy on Apúlia beach, Esposende gated community Typologies T1. T2. T3 I T2 Duplex.T3 Duplex . 3 bedroom duplex flat with balcony and terrace in front of the beach, Apúlia - Esposende fr DL.

Call us now for more information!!

Delivery of the work expected December 2024.

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present to your buyer customers and talk to us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms Duplex
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
Under construction · 176m²
With Garage
450.000 €
This gated community is located on Ramalha beach, municipality of Esposende, in a privileged subdivision, inserted in the first line of the sea.
It is a unique and exclusive opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline. A maritime environment, surrounded by the uniqueness of the landscapes of the north coast.

2 and 3 bedroom duplex apartments are available, with a contemporary interior architecture where tones predominate
and the balance between materials.

Comfort and quality of life in a unique place: This is the Wellness concept that accompanies this project.

- Security entrance door
- Video intercom
-Air conditioning
- Double glazing
- Suite with dressing room
- Electric blackout (private area)
- Thermal and acoustic insulation
- DHW heat pump
- Individual barbecue*
- Closed garage
- Large balconies

With excellent access to the A11 and A28, this condominium offers you the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle. Living by the sea and enjoying the wonderful feeling of constant holiday on a daily basis.

The sun, the sand and the sea boost the practice of sports and physical activity. Imagine long walks along the beach by the sea, bike rides, or even that invigorating swim after a day’s work. Living here is choosing a healthy, full and fulfilling lifestyle.
You will be able to discover great gastronomic experiences by the beaches and in the nearest villages, being able to enjoy all the local gastronomic culture in distinct and renowned restaurant spaces.

Ramalha beach is integrated into the protected landscape of the Esposende Coast, respecting the conservation of its environmental and landscape value.
Provided with a pure and authentic beauty, it is a characteristic beach of the north coast, with immense natural vegetation, extensive sand and accessibility through walkways that run through the dunes.
It is considered a beach with excellent bathing conditions, currently classified with the 2021 Gold Quality awards and a ’pet friendly’ beach.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity. Contact us!
See Phone
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Apúlia e Fão, Esposende, Distrito de Braga
New · 176m²
With Swimming Pool
450.000 €
O condomínio fechado localiza-se na praia , num loteamento privilegiado, inserido na primeira linha de mar, de realçar os espaços verdes do empreendimento, assim como a piscina interior e exterior, ginásio, balneário, parque infantil e campo de jogos.

Trata-se de uma oportunidade única de habitar e desfrutar da orla costeira, imagine acordar e sentir os primeiros raios de sol e a suavidade da brisa do mar. Um ambiente marítimo envolvido pela singularidade das paisagens do litoral norte.

Mantendo o padrão de qualidade, design e conforto ao qual já habituamos os nossos clientes, este empreendimento será constituído por soluções de tipologia T1; T2; T3; T2 duplex e T3 duplex. Os apartamentos de tipologia T1 com o valor desde 170.000€, tipologia T2 desde 215.000€ e os apartamentos de tipologia T3 com o valor a partir 305.000€. Dispomos ainda de soluções em T2 e T3 duplex desde 345.000€.

Aguardamos o seu contacto!

Siga-nos nas nossas redes sociais!

WEBSITE: (url)
YOUTUBE: (url) @lardesonhobarcelos2733

A história de sucesso da rede imobiliária LardeSonho deve-se a um serviço de excelência, personalizado para cada cliente, marcado por três premissas- SATISFAÇÃO- RECOMENDAÇÃO-FIDELIZAÇÃO.
É a Maior Rede Imobiliária 100% Nacional tendo 24 agências distribuídas por todo o país com mais de 400 Consultores, o que garante uma presença forte junto de potenciais compradores e investidores.
A Rede Imobiliária LardeSonho tem como ferramentas uma equipa de profissionais dinâmicos, motivados, com uma vasta experiência; uma carteira de imóveis aos preços mais competitivos do mercado; uma atitude proactiva que se carateriza por inúmeras iniciativas de marketing, campanhas, eventos publicitários, promovendo e divulgando com sucesso a sua carteira de imóveis em cada localidade onde tem Agência.
Aliados a parcerias com instituições bancárias, gabinetes de arquitetura, empresas de construção, marketing e publicidade, a rede Imobiliária LardeSonho ajuda os seus clientes a encontrar a solução adequada às suas necessidades.


The gated community is located on the beach, on a privileged plot of land, on the first line of the sea. The development’s green spaces, as well as the indoor and outdoor swimming pool, gym, changing room, children’s playground and games field are worth highlighting.

This is a unique opportunity to live and enjoy the coastline, imagine waking up and feeling the first rays of the sun and the softness of the sea breeze. A maritime environment surrounded by the unique landscapes of the north coast.

Maintaining the standard of quality, design and comfort to which our clients have become accustomed, this development will consist of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom, two-bedroom duplex and three-bedroom duplex apartments. The 1-bedroom flats are priced from €170,000, the 2-bedroom flats from €215,000 and the 3-bedroom flats from €305,000. We also have 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom duplex solutions from €345,000.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Follow us on our social networks!

WEBSITE: (url)
YOUTUBE: (url) @lardesonhobarcelos2733

The success story of the LardeSonho real estate network is due to a service of excellence, personalised for each client, marked by three premises - SATISFACTION - RECOMMENDATION - RELEASE.
It is the Largest 100% National Real Estate Network with 24 branches throughout the country with more than 400 Consultants, which guarantees a strong presence among potential buyers and investors.
The LardeSonho Real Estate Network has as its tools a team of dynamic, motivated professionals with vast experience; a portfolio of properties at the most competitive prices on the mar...
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