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Farms and Estates
3 Farms and Estates for Sale, in Penalva do Castelo, Insua
Insua, Penalva do Castelo, Distrito de Viseu
With Incentive Program for Rehabilitation
440.000 €
Empreendimento de Spa & Turismo Rural.
Mais do que um Empreendimento de Turismo em Espaço Rural com Spa, o conceito é
baseado na dualidade dos Sentidos: Corpo e Mente: O melhor da Natureza, inserido numa região entre Serras, Rios e Mar, rica em Património, História e Lendas, Cultura e Tradição.
Edificado em plena harmonia arquitetónica com toda a envolvente paisagística a confrontar com o Rio Dão, vales e encostas o que lhe aporta uma grande riqueza e biodiversidade, com os maciços graníticos cobertos por matas.
Trata-se de uma empreendimento turístico, em fase final de construção, localizado em propriedade com 11795,95hm2, junto ao Rio Dão, a uma altitude de 376m ,com quatro edificações, com diferentes valências.
Rio Dão, freguesia de Ínsua, concelho de Penalva do Castelo, Distrito de Viseu, Comunidade Intermunicipal Viseu Dão Lafões.
Distância do mar: 100km, Aveiro e 120km Figueira da Foz
Localiza-se a 500 m do Mosteiro do Santo Sepulcro, recentemente classificado como Monumento Nacional.
Próximo da Vila de Penalva do Castelo, a menos de 15 min da A25, e da cidade de Mangualde.
A 25 min da cidade de Viseu.
Todas as Edificações se encontram em fase final de construção:
Edifício 1: Casa Principal com Alojamento no 1º andar, e com uma Unidade de SPA com Jacuzzi e Alojamento, no r/chão;
Edifício 2: Recepção, Biblioteca, e Unidade de SPA com Combinado de Sauna Tradicional e Sauna de Infravermelhos;
Edifício 3: Unidade de SPA com Jacuzzi e Alojamento ( Edifício parcialmente suspenso sobre a floresta e o rio Dão );
Edifício 4: Moinho - Espaço museológico, amplo e adaptado para todo o tipo de atividades: sala de conferências, de reuniões, workshops, degustações gastronómicas, sala de provas vínicas...
Infraestruturas sofisticadas
Paredes duplas com isolamento térmico, cobertura com isolamento térmico interior.
Paredes com pano de alvenaria de granito de 30 cm de espessura com isolamento térmico de 10cm
Caminho de acesso ao empreendimento já se encontra eletrificado e com reforço de um PT.
O carácter telúrico do local, proporciona uma quantidade infinita de cenários de beleza agreste e granítica, enriquecida pelas cores de toda uma biodiversidade em confluência com os sons das aves e o murmúrio das águas do rio Dão, onde existem três represas naturais, dominado por afloramentos rochosos, por uma paisagem florestal e natural gozando, simultaneamente, de um grande isolamento e de proximidade urbana com o centro da Vila de Penalva do Castelo e outras freguesias, são verdadeiros pólos de atratividade paisagística, pelo facto de se tratar de um pequeno núcleo de construções rurais com um sabor especial, dada a forma como se estruturam em que a rocha granítica, sempre presente, constitui uma dificuldade acrescida, representam um conjunto de potencialidades que contêm os ingredientes indispensáveis para garantir o sucesso de momentos e vivências.
Com a natureza circundante. Estando projetado para proporcionar todas as condições de conforto e segurança, visará responder às necessidades de todo os tipos de públicos, incluindo pessoas com mobilidade reduzida. O espaço circundante proporciona igualmente um conjunto alargado de experiências quer pelo património histórico, religioso, arquitetônico, quer pela gastronomia, Queijo Serra da Estrela, Maçã Bravo de Esmolfe, Vinho do Dão, paisagem e belezas naturais, quer ainda pelas festas, romarias, percursos pedestres, pelos eventos culturais e desportivos.
Com uma oferta turística considerada diferenciadora, personalizada, uma vez que não existe oferta de spa na área circundante.

Não perca esta oportunidade ...!
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Farm 2 Bedrooms
Insua, Penalva do Castelo, Distrito de Viseu
Under construction · 222m²
440.000 €
Farm with Spa & Rural Tourism.

More than a Rural Tourism Development with Spa, the concept is based on the duality of the Senses: Body and Mind: The best of Nature, inserted in a region between Mountains, Rivers and Sea, rich in Heritage, History and Legends, Culture and Tradition. Built in full architectural harmony with all the surrounding landscape facing the Dão River, valleys and slopes, which provides it with great richness and biodiversity, with granite massifs covered by forests.

It is a tourist development, in the final stages of construction, located on a property with 11795.95m2, next to the Dão River, at an altitude of 376m, with four buildings, with different valences.

Rio Dão, parish of Ínsua, municipality of Penalva do Castelo, District of Viseu, Intermunicipal Community Viseu Dão Lafões.
Distance from the sea: 100km, Aveiro and 120km Figueira da Foz
It is located 500 m from the Monastery of the Holy Sepulchre, recently classified as a National Monument.
Close to the village of Penalva do Castelo, less than 15 minutes from the A25, and the city of Mangualde.
25 min from the city of Viseu.
All buildings are in the final stages of construction:
Building 1: Main House with Accommodation on the 1st floor, and with a SPA Unit with Jacuzzi and Accommodation, on the ground floor;
Building 2: Reception, Library, and SPA Unit with Combined Traditional Sauna and Infrared Sauna;
Building 3: SPA Unit with Jacuzzi and Accommodation (Building partially suspended over the forest and the Dão River);
Building 4: Mill - Museum space, large and adapted for all types of activities: conference room, meeting room, workshops, gastronomic tastings, wine tasting room.
Sophisticated infrastructures, double walls with thermal insulation, roof with interior thermal insulation.
Walls with 30 cm thick granite masonry cloth with 10 cm thermal insulation.
The access road to the project is already electrified and with reinforcement of a PT.

The telluric character of the place provides an infinite amount of scenery of rugged and granite beauty, enriched by the nuclei of all biodiversity in confluence with the children of birds and the murmur of the waters of the Dão River, where there are three natural representations, dominated by rocky outcrops, by a forest and natural landscape enjoying, simultaneously, a great isolation and urban proximity to the center of the village of Penalva do Castelo and other parishes, They are true poles of landscape attractiveness, due to the fact that it is a small nucleus of rural buildings with a special flavor, given the way they are structured in which the granite rock, always present, constitutes an added difficulty, represents a set of potentialities that contains the indispensable ingredients to ensure the success of moments and experiences.

With the surrounding nature. Being designed to provide all conditions of comfort and safety, it will aim to meet the needs of all types of audiences, including people with reduced mobility. The surrounding space also provides a wide range of experiences both for historical and religious heritage, tourism, gastronomy, Serra da Estrela Cheese, Bravo de Esmolfe Apple, Dão Wine, landscape and natural beauties, as well as for festivals, pilgrimages, walking trails, cultural and sporting events.

With a tourist offer considered differentiating, personalized, since there is no spa offer in the surrounding area.

Don’t miss this opportunity...!
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Farm Land 4 Bedrooms
Insua, Penalva do Castelo, Distrito de Viseu
Under construction · 371m²
475.000 €
Rural tourist development, facing the Dão River - in Penalva do Castelo for sale.
Sold as is, and is expected to finish around €120,000.
Built in full architectural harmony with all the surrounding landscape.

It is located 500 m from the Monastery of the Holy Sepulchre (National Monument), built by D. Teresa, mother of D. Afonso Henriques (1st King of Portugal), the first in the Iberian Peninsula of this canonical and military order, and close to the town of Penalva do Castelo [less than 15 min, from the A25 and the city of Mangualde and 25 min. from the city of Viseu].

It is a tourist development, under construction, located on a property with 1.2ha, next to the Dão River (with 200 m of bank, with four buildings, with different valences, built in perfect architectural harmony with all the natural and landscape surroundings.
Expected features of the project:

» Building 1: SPA and Accommodation Unit;

» Building 2: Reception, Library, and SPA and Accommodation Unit;

» Building 3: Combination of Traditional Sauna and Infrared Sauna / SPA [Building partially suspended over the forest and river];

» Building 4: Mill - large space for all kinds of activities: museum, conference room, workshops, gastronomic tastings, etc., etc.

This development was designed to provide authentic Rural Tourism and Health & Wellness experiences, always in total harmony and balance with the surrounding nature. Being designed to provide all conditions of comfort and safety, it will aim to respond to the needs of all types of audiences, including people with reduced mobility. The surrounding space also provides a wide range of experiences (recreational, cultural, gastronomic, sports, adventure (individual / group / family,... ), through countless corners of the built and natural heritage that characterize this beautiful region of Dão!

Project approved by the following entities: Municipality of Penalva do Castelo; CCDRC; SI2E ERDF and SI2E ESF (Portugal 2020).

It is, without a doubt, an excellent investment opportunity.
See more Farms and Estates for Sale, in Penalva do Castelo, Insua
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